@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001000, author = {Farrokh, Shayesteh}, issue = {3}, note = {For those who stand outside the discipline of art, the parallel comparison of two or more works of art is a particularly effective way towards appreciating art. Such a comparison provides intuitive associations that focus the perception and enrich the awareness of the viewer. In presenting this view, this paper compares some examples of works by contemporary artists with those of earlier schools of art. In presenting the principle of continuity in western art, the paper suggests a method of offering modern art that will make it more accessible to the uninitiated viewer., 芸術の専門外の人々にとって、二つ以上の作品を比較・対照する事が芸術鑑賞をするに当たって特に有効な方法である。そのような鑑賞方法は、知覚を集中させ観賞者の認識を高め直観的連想を喚起する。本論文は、現代の芸術家の幾つかの作品をそれ以前の時代の作品と直観的方法で比較研究する。現代芸術における連続性の本質を明らかにする事に依って初心者により理解し易い現代美術の鑑賞方法を提案する。}, pages = {105--113}, title = {Parallel Comparison: An Intuitive Form of Appreciating Art} }