@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001033, author = {竹沢, 昌子}, issue = {12}, note = {本稿においては、施設職員に比べて、他の関係職員とコミュニケーションを図る上でより困難な立場に位置していると考えられる訪問介護員(ホームヘルパー)のコミュニケーションの実態に焦点を当て、彼らが仕事中のコミュニケーションにおいて困っていることを挙げてもらい、その結果を検証した。分析の結果、訪問介護員は認知に何らかの問題を抱えている高齢者とのコミュニケーションや、改正介護保険制度におけるサービス内容の説明などに苦慮している姿が浮き彫りになった。しかし、最も重要な課題として、登録型・非常勤型の勤務形態をとっている多くの訪問介護員にとって、介護実践において直面した問題を上司や同僚と共有できる機会が限られている現実が浮き彫りにされた。高齢者やその家族との様々なコミュニケーションの問題を解決していくためには、まず訪問介護員が相談できる職場の支援体制の構築が急務であることが明らかになった。, This study attempts to identify what kinds of communication skills are needed in practice for professional home-helpers (not individual caregivers or those who work at nursing homes), who take care of the elderly and the handicapped in their communities. The writer of this paper asked 51 registered home-helpers to present cases that they find difficulties in communicating with their clients, clients' families, and other colleagues and professionals. The writer shed light on the 156 cases. The findings suggest that although home-helpers confront a variety of communication difficulty, for example, how to take care of those clients with cognitive problems and how to explain new social service to these clients, the most crucial issue is a lack of communication with and support from their colleagues and bosses. As most of home-helpers work part-time and commute directly from their homes to their clients', they tend to be isolated and do not have enough opportunities to share their problems with their colleagues and bosses. The author suggests that a help-seeking system should urgently be established so that homehelpers can have better communication with and seek professional assistance and advice from their colleagues and bosses.}, pages = {49--65}, title = {訪問介護員(ホームヘルパー)に求められるコミュニケーション能力に関する一考察} }