@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001052, author = {上間, 篤}, issue = {4}, note = {セヘルは中世の前半期にイスラム社会と地中海沿岸のキリスト教社会に広く流布したアンダルシア生まれの短詩形の抒情詩である。本論はこの詩の誕生とそれが流布していく過程を考察し、中世ヨーロッパの「南と北」の関係を考える。, The zéjel is a short lyrical form of poetry born in Andalucía which won wide-spread recognition and praise among Moslems, Jews, and Christians of medieval times. By observing its literary origin and its process of diffusion among the groups of people concerned, this paper examines various aspects of the north-south relationship of the time in western Europe.}, pages = {19--26}, title = {セヘルの生い立ちと中世におけるその流布について} }