@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001105, author = {伊良皆, 啓 and 大谷, 健太郎}, issue = {16}, note = {本研究では、沖縄県南城市における観光客動態調査および宿泊旅行者(宿泊客)調査をもとにして、観光客動態および特性を吟味し、観光客動態に関する基礎調査に基づく政策形成の可能性を考察する。調査結果からは、観光客および市内宿泊客の年齢や同行者、利用交通手段などのプロファイルに加え、観光客が持つ南城市のイメージや立ち寄った観光対象、宿泊客の購買行動などが明らかになった。示唆された知見の整理を行うとともに、政策形成および地域経営における観光マーケテイングの有用性と課題を検討する。, This study is based on a visitor survey implemented in Nanjo City, Okinawa. By analyzing the dynamics and attributes of tourist behavior from the survey, opportunities for policy making based on a primary survey on the dynamics of isitor behavior is examined. The survey results show visitors and accommodation guests profiles, including ages, traveling companions, modes of transportation, and so orth. Additionally, the survey results also articulate how visitors picture Nanjo area, hich sights and attractions are visited, purchasing behavior of accommodation guests, and so forth. Furthermore, it is aimed to organize the survey outcomes and findings, as well as to discuss importance and challenges in tourism policy making and tourism marketing as a part of destination management.}, pages = {107--124}, title = {沖縄県南城市における観光客の動態と観光マーケテイング-観光客動態調査を用いて-} }