@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001113, author = {仲地, 清}, issue = {16}, note = {平成21年8月7日から14日まで、瀬名波榮喜学長に随行して、インドネシアのスラウェシ島にある国立ハサヌディーン大学を訪問した際の報告と紀行である。訪問の目的は前にJICAのスラウェシ事務所に勤めていた新崎康博医師の仲介で、本大学とハサヌディーン大学の国際交流協定書に調印することであった。さらに、一緒に参加した金城祥教教授が引率した看護学科生15人にとってはアジアの医療事情と文化を学ぶ良い機会となった。この訪問が国際的に開かれた大学を目指す本大学にとって、今回のインドネシア交流が「草の根交流のモデル」になることを期待したい。, President Eiki Senaha visited the University of Hasidim in the Sulawesi Islands of Indonesia from August 7 to 14, 2009. I accompanied the President. This is a report and travel essay on the trip to Indonesia. The purpose of the trip was to participate in a ceremony for signing an agreement for an international exchange program between Meio University and the University of Hasidim. The exchange program was created with the assistance of a former staff member of the Sulawesi Office of JICA(Japan international Cooperation Agency), Dr, Yauhiro Arasaki. Fifteen students majoring in nursing at Meio university joined this trip along with the chairman of the nursing science division, Professor Yoshinori Kinjo. The students had an opportunity to observe the medical reality in Southeast Asia and to learn about Southeast Asian culture. This trip is expected to be a model of grass-roots exchange activities for the university which has been aiming to promote itself to universities abroad.}, pages = {163--166}, title = {名桜大学の「草の根交流」-インドネシア・スラウェシ島} }