@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001143, author = {金城, 光子 and 花城, 洋子}, issue = {24}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {The aim of this paper is to compare the EMG patterns and Respiration patterns in the Ryukyuan traditional dance, the Japanese traditional dance and the Indian traditional dance. The dance motion of twist and turn were electromyographically examined. The subjects were professional dancers, and one by one. The subjects performed the same motions in each dances. And EMG recordings were made with 6 channel electroencephalograph utilizing surface electrodes, IOmm in diameter. The results obtained were summarized as fallows: 1) In Ryukyuan dance M. pectoralis majar, M. obliquus externus abdominis, M. rectus abdominis, M. erect sp. (L.5) show continuous electric discharge in motion of twist and turn. And at respiration, expiration is long comparatively and irregular pattern. 2) In Japanese dance and Indian dance, mainly, M. trapezius, M. erect. sp. (L.5) show continuous discharge in motion of twist and turn. And respiration is regular pattern. Especially in Indian dance, compared with other two dances, EMG pattern shows strong electric discharge., application/pdf}, pages = {77--101}, title = {舞踊動作の表現リズムに関する研究(2)-琉球舞踊・日本舞踊・インド舞踊の筋放電及び呼吸パターンについて-}, year = {} }