@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001257, author = {渡慶次, 正則}, issue = {19}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {本稿は, TOEFL iBTのスピーキングカ測定とライティングカ測定の妥当性,信頼性,実現性を検証することを目的とする。ワークショップでの筆者の受験者と採点者としての体験と資料を基に検証を行った。結果は,第1にスピーキングもライティングも採点の信頼性を高めるかなりの配慮がなされている事が明らかになった。第2にスピーキングの妥当性については,表面妥当性と内容妥当性は高いが,構成概念妥当性については弱い。第3にライティングの妥当性は複数の言語技能を用いて統合タスクを課しているが,構成概念は伝統的な論述的形式で,講義と文献のポイントを網羅的にまとめる基本的な書く能力に留まっている。最後に,TOEFL iBTの実現生については,表面的なアピール度は高いが,施設や費用,採点者などの訓練など課題は多い。, This paper will examine the validity, reliability and practicality of the speaking test and writing test of TOEFL iBT on the basis of the writer s experience as both an examinee and a scorer in the workshop, including reference to training materials. The results revealed the following. Firstly,considerable efforts are made to enhance the reliability of scoring on both the speaking and writing tests. Secondly, regarding the validity of the speaking test, face validity and content validity are strong, but construct validity is weak. Thirdly, the writing test requires an integrative task using multiple language skills, but it ends up with traditional argumentative writing and fundamental writing skills, such as holistically summarizing the main points of lectures and written references. Lastly, the practicality of TOEFL iBT reveals appealing strengths, but it also contains several weaknesses, such as facilities, the testing fee, and scorer training ., application/pdf}, pages = {65--76}, title = {TOEFL iBTにおけるスピーキング測定とライティング測定の妥当性,信頼性,実現性の検証}, year = {} }