@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001278, author = {仲地, 清}, issue = {20}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {沖縄戦後史における「沖縄県民党・超党派」の誕生と発展は沖縄戦後政治史の特徴である。この論文は2010年10月、韓国のソウル国立大学で開かれた琉球・沖縄研究学会で発表したものである。ソウル大学の研究者から提起された「韓国では市民、政治団体のまとまりは難しいが、なぜ沖縄では県民党または超党派の形でまとまることができるのか」が発表のきっかけだった。確かに、沖縄戦後史をたどると沖縄県祖国復帰運動、米軍による軍用地接収反対運動をはじめ、昨今の海兵隊による少女暴行事件抗議大会、普天間海兵隊基地の県外・国外移転要請大会などに見られるように県民党、または超党派でまとまってきた。このような例に示された県民党・超党派の役割と特質を示したことが、論文の内容である。, Okinawa people readily form non-partisan organizations or all-Okinawan political parties to express their common demands. These non-partisan organizations are born in common, strong experiences and cherish identities as Okinawa's in terms of their history and culture. Last summer when the Kounan Senior High School baseball team played in the finals in the all Japan senior high school baseball tournament in Osaka, more than, 90% of Okinawans supported the game. Okinawan supporters hoped to prevail against the teams from mainland Japan. And when an elementary school girl was raped by three US Marines in 1995, almost all Okinawans got angry. The Okinawa. prefectural government, the Okinawa assembly, political parties, pressure groups and citizens groups immediately organized non-partisan organizations and rallied to protest the US military forces due to the rape incident. Generally speaking, Okinawans are very mild-mannered. However they readily cooperate with one another and join forces to advocate for the common interests of all Okinawans, like in the case of the rape incident. The paper concludes that non-partisan organizations or all-Okinawan parties are unique to Okinawa's history. The paper was presented at the Ryukyu · Okinawa Study Conference at Seoul National University last October. Organizations and political parties in Korea, unlike Okinawa, are always confronting each other. Audiences in the Ryukyu • Okinawa Study Conference seemed to have learned about Okinawa from the presentation., application/pdf}, pages = {71--75}, title = {沖縄戦後史における「沖縄県民党・超党派」の役割と特質}, year = {} }