@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001287, author = {平野, 貴也}, issue = {22}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {本研究の目的はスポーツへのコミットメントの度合いを測定するスポーツコミットメント尺度を開発し,その信頼性及び妥当性を検討することであった。フォーカスグループインタビューを用いた予備調査によって得られたテキストデータから,スポーツコミットメントに関する7カテゴリが得られた。それらをもとに28尺度項目を作成した。次に210名の大学生を対象とした本調査のデータについて探索的因子分析を行った結果,18項目6因子(「楽しさ」「他者からの期待」「投資」「機会」「称賛」「有能感」) の構造が確認され,スポーツコミットメント尺度とした。α係数及び再テスト法によって信頼性が確認された。妥当性については技能レベルと参加頻度の観点から確認がなされた。分散分析の結果,技能レベルと参加頻度ともに「他者からの期待」「投資」「称賛」「有能感」の4つの因子について有意な差が見られた。技能レベル及び参加頻度の高い者はスポーツコミットメント得点が有意に高かった。「楽しさ」因子と「機会」因子の妥当性が確認されなかったことが課題であり,本尺度の改訂の余地が残された。, The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement scale for sport commitment and to test the scale's reliability and validity, and its relationship to performance level and participation frequency. In a pilot study using a focus group interview, 7 categories on commitment to sports were found. Based on those categories, 28 items to measure sport commitment were created. An exploratory factor analysis using the principal factor method with promax rotation was conducted on 210 university students. The factor analysis demonstrated that sport commitment consisted of 18 items and 6 factors. The factors were enjoyment, expectancy from others, investment, opportunity, appraisal, and self-efficacy, and were named the sport commitment scale. Cronbach's alpha was .71-.92, indicating good internal consistency. Test-retest reliability was .61-.75. The reliability reached an almost allowable level. The sport commitment scores were tested based on performance level and participation freq~ency using one-way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons. The result showed that both performance level and participation frequency had significant differences in the four factors: expectancy from others, in~estment, appraisal, and self-efficacy. In addition, higher performance level and participation frequency showed more sport commitment, whereas enjoyment and opportunity factors were not confirmed as exhibiting high validity. Thus, there remained to develop a new scale with higher reliability and validity in future studies., application/pdf}, pages = {9--16}, title = {スポーツコミットメント尺度の作成 : 信頼性及び妥当性の検討}, year = {} }