@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001303, author = {鬼頭, 和子 and 鈴木, 啓子}, issue = {23}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {本研究は,1名の残遺型統合失調症患者へのフットケアの援助を通して,患者に関わる時に看護師に生じる困難感は軽減するのか,患者-看護師関係に変化をもたらすのかを質的帰納的に分析した。その結果,フットケアが非言語的コミュニケーションの手段となり,看護師が患者の健康な側面を知る機会となり看護師の不安や緊張を軽減していることが明らかになった。これにより患者-看護師の相互理解につながり,看護師の困難感が軽減することが示唆された。, This study analyzed qualitatively and inductively whether foot care support for a residual schizophrenia patient could relieve feelings of difficulties that the nurses experience when they interact with the patient. The study also examined whether or not such support could bring about changes to the patient-nurse relationship. We found that foot care became a means for non-verbal communication, gave nurses opportunities to observe the patient's healthy side, and lightened nurses' anxieties and nervousness. The result suggests that the patient-nurse relationship improved and feelings of difficulties that the nurses experience were relieved., application/pdf}, pages = {77--83}, title = {残遺型統合失調症患者へのフットケアの援助による患者-看護師関係の変化}, year = {} }