@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001342, author = {松下, 聖子}, issue = {25}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {本研究の目的は,台風襲来の多い沖縄県において,医療的ケアを要する在宅療養児とその家族の台風等災害時の対処方法について明らかにすることである。調査は,医療的ケアを要する在宅療養児とその家族45名を対象に,無記名自記式質問紙調査留め置き法で実施した。災害時の一般的な備えと医療の備えについて,項目ごと「あてはまる」「大体あてはまる」を『実践』として実践率を求めた。その結果,一般的な備えでは,災害情報へ関心を持つようにしている100.0%,避難方法や避難場所の家族での話し合い50.0%,避難所・避難経路の確認42.3%の実践率であった。また,災害時の医療の備えでは,避難するとき持っていく薬はわかっている92.3%,薬は家族が分かる場所に常備している88.5%,避難生活で気を付けることの理解69.2%の実践率であった。自由記載には,「移動時の介助がほしい」,「エアコンで気温管理された空間がほしい」,「どんな支援が必要になるのか学べる機会がほしい」などの記載があった。以上のことから,災害情報への関心は高く持っていても,具体的な対処方法について検討されていないことが明らかになった。, The objective of the present study was to elucidate the ways in which a recuperation child at home care recipients requiring medical care and their families living in Okinawa Prefecture, which is prone to typhoons, deal with typhoons and other disasters. An anonymous self-report questionnaire survey was conducted using the placement method on a total of 45 individuals comprising home care recipients requiring medical care and their families. The implementation rate was calculated for each item concerning general and medical preparations for disasters by taking the responses of “Applies” and “Mostly applies” to be “Implementation”. The results showed that for general preparations, the implementation rate was 100.0% for “Pay attention to disaster information”, 50.0% for “Discuss evacuation procedure and site with family”, and 42.3% for “Check evacuation centers and routes”. As for medical preparations for disasters, the implementation rate was 92.3% for “Know which drugs to carry in the event of evacuation”, 88.5% for “Keep drugs in a place known to family”, and 69.2% for “Understand the points of caution in life at evacuation centers”. Free responses included “Want assistance during transfer”,“Want an air-conditioned environment”, and “Want opportunities to learn what types of support will be necessary”. The above results indicate that even though subjects paid close attention to disaster information, they had not considered specific actions for dealing with disasters., application/pdf}, pages = {129--135}, title = {医療的ケアを要する在宅療養児とその家族への災害時支援のための基礎的研究}, year = {}, yomi = {まつした, せいこ} }