@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001438, author = {卯田, 卓矢}, issue = {24}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {本稿は昭和初期の比叡山を対象に聖地と自然保護の関係を検討した。都市近郊に所在する霊山はこの当時,大規模な観光開発が進行した。比叡山も両麓からのケーブルカーの敷設や遊園施設の建設などがみられた。その中で,川村多實二(京都帝国大学理学部動物学教室教授)は比叡山上に建設予定だった明治節記念塔に対し,自然科学的な観点から建設に反対した。川村は各機関への陳情や進言,新聞メディアを介した鳥類保護思想の普及などを行った。比叡山一帯はこの川村の活動をきっかけに天然紀念物「比叡山鳥類蕃殖地」に指定された。一方,延暦寺は自然保護に関わる具体的な活動はみられなかった。その要因として記念塔自体の性格,自然科学的な観点の理解不足の2点が関係していた。この事例からは,自然保護に対する「宗教のリソース化」は宗教組織および自然保護活動の主導者それぞれが宗教を自然保護のための「資源」として認識するかに大きく関係することが示唆された。, This research was to examine the relationship between sacred site and nature conservation regarding Mount Hiei in the early Showa era. In sacred mountains those located in the suburbs of the city, large scale tourism development were proceeded at that time. Cable cars (funicular railway) and amusement park facilities were built also at Mount Hiei. Under those circumstances, Tamiji Kawamura, who was Professor of Kyoto Imperial University, objected to Meijisetsu Monument construction, from natural science viewpoint. Prof. Kawamura petitioned to each institution and spread nature conservation thought. Because of these activities, the area of Mount Hiei was designated as a Natural Monument. Meanwhile, Enryakuji temple did not conduct specific activities on nature conservation. There were two factors of the reasons: one was the character of the monument itself and the other was insufficient understanding of natural science viewpoint. From the above it turned out that the nature of the sacred site is related to whether both religious organization and the leader of nature conservation recognize it as “resource”., application/pdf}, pages = {35--47}, title = {昭和初期の比叡山における観光開発と自然保護 : 「聖地と自然保護」の関係に注目して}, year = {}, yomi = {うだ, たくや} }