@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001476, author = {石川, 恵吉 and Ishikawa, Shigeyoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {環太平洋地域文化研究, Pacific Rim Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {沖縄の祭祀芸能の中でも特に重要な演目として位置づけられているものに「長者の大主」系統の芸能がある。本稿は,その芸能のもつ歴史的機能について当該芸能の周辺にある歌謡をてがかりに検討したものである。 「長者の大主」系芸能に関する研究は,これまで折口(1929),大城(2003),畠山(1983),当間(1988)によって深められてきた。折口(1929)は,当該芸能に登場する長者を遠来の神と捉え,その神である長者が土地農作を祝福するものとみた。大城(2003)は,長者を村を代表する村長的人物とし,その長者が今年の村の繁栄と五穀豊穣を神に感謝して,あわせて来る年の豊穣を祈願するものとした。また,畠山(1983)は長者を村落の草分けである根家の根人と捉え,根人である長者が神に対して五穀豊穣の感謝と祈願をするものとした。当間(1988)は,長者をムラおさとし,そのムラおさが高所から村の地勢や村人の生活状況などを望み見て村の繁栄と五穀豊穣を願うものとみたのである。  しかし,当該芸能の祝言が記された組踊台本をはじめ,その周辺に位置するオタカベやオモロを参照しながら当該芸能を探っていくと,この芸能には琉球国王の治世の長久や国家の安泰を願う機能が与えられており,その祝言を唱える男性長者は遥か古琉球期に担当の「間切」を治めていた上級役人に遡ることがみえてきた。, Among the classical performing arts of the village rituals in Okinawa, there is a classical performing arts of the " Choja no uhushu " lineage, which is a particularly important program. This paper examines the historical functions of the classical performing arts, using the village songs and historical aterials around the classical performing arts as a clue. Research on the classical performing arts of the " Choja no uhushu " lineage has been deepened by Origuchi(1929), Oshiro(2003), Hatakeyama(1983), and Toma(1988). Origuchi(1929)made the old male man who appeared in the performing art a god from another world, and that god blessed the farming of the land. Oshiro (2003) made the chief of the performing arts like a village chief, and he thanked God for the prosperity of the village this year and the good harvest of five grains, and at the same time prayed for a good harvest next year. In addition, Hatakeyama(1983)made the old man a person (=Ninchu)related to the origin of the village, and he decided to thank and pray to God for a good harvest of five grains. Toma(1988) made a male elder the head of the village, and he observed the social conditions of the village and the living conditions of the villagers from high places, and wished for the prosperity of the village and a good harvest of five grains. However, when I researched historical materials such as " scripts of Kumi Odori," "Odori," and "Omoro," the male chief, who chanted a blessing brief chant was a senior official in the former Ryukyu peasant village, and the performing arts were originally functions for the long-term rule the Ryukyu king and the peace of the nation.}, pages = {97--110}, title = {琉球の「長者の大主」系芸能の機能 ―組踊・オタカベ・オモロをてがかりに―}, year = {2021}, yomi = {イシカワ, シゲヨシ} }