@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001546, author = {金城, 亮 and 高良, 美樹 and Kinjo, Akira and Takara, Miki}, issue = {27}, journal = {名桜大学紀要, THE MEIO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は看護専門学校に通う学生を対象に,3年間に渡って実施される経時的研究の第1次調査に関する第1報である.本報告では,第1次調査の対象者のうち2021年8月までに回収された137人の看護専門学校1年生の回答について,職業人モデルの有無と職業的使命感との関連を中心に予備的な分析を実施した結果を報告する.働く人のモデルの有無を尋ねたところ,137人の看護専門学校1年生のうち92人(67%)が働く人のモデルを持っており,身近な親族を職業人モデルとする割合は,比較対象群とした大学1年次より相対的に高いことが示された.働く人のモデルの有無別に,職業的使命感の3つの下位尺度,すなわち職務的自尊心,職能的自尊心,天職観の得点を比較したところ,働く人のモデル有り群ではモデル無し群に比べて天職観が有意に高いことが示された.職業的使命感の各下位尺度と看護職に関心を持ったきっかけに関する相関分析では,自身や家族の入院をきっかけに看護職への関心を高めた者ほど,職業的使命感の得点が高いことが明らかになった.さらに職業的使命感の各下位尺度と看護職を志望する理由との相関では,看護職への憧れや夢があること,また看護職・看護学に関心があることを志望動機とする者ほど職業的使命感の得点が高い傾向が示された., This study is the first report on the first survey of temporal studies conducted over three years on students attending nursing schools. A preliminary analysis was conducted on the response results from the 137 first-year nursing school students who responded by August 2021 among the subjects of the first survey. When asked if they had a close model working person in mind, 92 (67%) of the 137 students said they had. We compared the scores of the three subscales of professional mission, that is, self-esteem derived from their social standing, self-esteem with respect to their ability, and a sense of vocation, depending on the presence or absence of a worker model. As a result, it was found that the group with a worker model had a significantly higher sense of vocation than the group without a model. Correlation analysis of each subscale of the sense of professional mission and the reason for becoming interested in the nursing profession indicated that those who became interested in the nursing profession as a result of hospitalization of themselves or a family member have a higher sense of professional mission. Furthermore, we conducted a correlation analysis between the overall sense of professional mission and the motivation for aspiring to the nursing profession. As a result, it was shown that both those who have a longing toward or dream of the nursing profession and those who are interested in the nursing profession or nursing practice have a higher sense of professional mission.}, pages = {53--61}, title = {看護専門学校学生の職業的使命感形成過程に関する経時的研究(1) : 働く人のモデルの有無と職業的使命感の関係}, year = {2022}, yomi = {キンジョウ, アキラ and タカラ, ミキ} }