@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000055, author = {Ogawa, Sumiko and 小川,寿美子}, issue = {28}, month = {Jan}, note = {Since ancient times, human beings have been migrating due to a variety of circumstances, such as colonization, trade, slavery, escaping poverty, and exile. This has sometimes had an effect in the foundation of new settlements and even countries. In more recent times, migration has mainly involved younger men who were more daring to take on the risks and challenges of venturing afar. In a period spanning from the beginning of the 20th century, many Okinawan young men migrated abroad with hopes of earning higher wages and finding social success that would help them achieve ambitions such as purchasing a home, bringing their wife and family, and sending money back to relatives in the mother country.  However, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the gender composition of those leaving Ireland was different from the usual trend. Many migrants leaving Ireland were women. During the late 19th century, the first wave of Irish women’s migration consisted of over 4,000 teenage girls who were sent to Australia. Later, a massive second wave went abroad to the United States for service industry employment. In terms of emigration, Irish women displayed a relatively higher degree of independence from their families compared to Okinawan women, who frequently relied on their families for support. These differences in background, emigration patterns, and roles within the host country should be taken into account. It is essential to consider these gender-related factors alongside the growing influence of community networks in the host country., 人類は古来より植民地化,貿易,奴隷制,貧困からの脱出,亡命など、さまざまな理由で住み慣れた土地を移動してきた.時として新しい植民地や国が設立されることもあった.近年の移動は,若い男性が主で,彼らはより大胆に遠くに冒険するというリスクを負いつつ挑戦してきた.沖縄では20世紀初頭から,多くの若い男性がより高い賃金を稼ぎ,出移民国で家を購入し,妻や家族を呼び寄せ,母国の親戚へお金を送金するなどの野望や社会的成功を期待して海外に移動した.  一方,アイルランドでは同じ時期に祖国を離れる人々の性別構成は,通常の傾向とは異なり,女性が多い傾向にあった.19世紀後半,アイルランド人女性の大移動があった.まずオーストラリアに4,000人以上の10代の少女が送られた.その後,サービス産業の雇用のために米国に流出した.海外に移動する際,沖縄の女性は家族の呼び寄せが主であるのに対して,アイルランドの女性は比較的家族から独立していた.即ち社会的背景,移動の順序,ホスト国での役割に違いがあった.ホスト国のコミュニティネットワークの影響力の拡大とともに,ジェンダーに関するこれらの背景 を考慮する必要がある.}, pages = {9--20}, title = {The Geopolitical and Cultural Features of Women’s Diaspora: The Case of Ireland and Okinawa in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries}, year = {2024}, yomi = {オガワ,スミコ} }