@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000861, author = {木村, 堅一 and 佐久本, 功達}, issue = {8}, month = {2020-12-03}, note = {学生による授業評価は,大学教育の質を保証するものとして急速に普及してきた。しかし,授業評価はその手段の1つでしかなく,重要な指標である成績(学習成果)が軽視されつつある。本研究では,ある大学で1年間に開講された全ての授業科目を,成績と授業評価の2次元上に布置することで,大学カリキュラムの実態を的確に理解し,両次元で高水準を達成している授業科目の諸特性を抽出しようと試みた。分析の結果,科目区分,必修・選択,クラスサイズ,曜日,時限,授業形態など,教員の個人的努力では変えられない授業固有の諸特性によって,成績および授業評価の値が変化していた。最後に,授業評価研究における本研究の有効性とその限界について議論した。, Class ratings have rapidly become a popular method of ensuring the quality of university education. However, they are merely one way of achieving this goal, at the expense of placing less emphasis on the important indicator of student grades (academic achievement). In this study, student grades and class ratings are compared for all classes offered at a university over a period of one year. The results are used to gain an accurate picture of the university's curriculum, including revealing the various attributes of classes for which both ratings of teaching and grades were high. Analysis showed that both student grades and class ratings depended on specific characteristics of the classes unrelated to the efforts of teaching staff, such as the subject, whether it was compulsory or elective, class size, day of class, time slot and class format. We also discuss the effectiveness and limitations of this study with regards to students' ratings of classes., application/pdf}, pages = {13--24}, title = {授業評価と成績に基づいた大学カリキュラムのマッピング(1):授業の諸特性による影響}, year = {} }