@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000941, author = {Yamakawa, Shizuka}, issue = {14}, note = {Okinawa in Japan, previously known as Ryukyu, formally established its relationship with China during the Ming Dynasty. Hence, the Ruan and other Chinese migrated from Fujian to Ryukyu as a consequence of the changing political dynamics between Ryukyu and China. Ancestor worship in the Ruan clan today involves Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Moreover, indigenous belief systems and policies of the Ryukyu Kingdom also influenced ancestor worship…a common practice in Okinawa. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process through which ancestor worship was formed and the context in which this process took place. It is hoped that this paper will shed light on the social implications of ancestor worship among the Ruan clan., かつて琉球とも称される沖縄は,早くも明時代に中国と国交を結んでいた。以来,両国間の政治関係により,阮氏を含む閩南諸姓は琉球に移り住むようになった。今日,中国人の血を引く阮氏の祖先崇拝には,仏教,儒教,道教などの要素が見られ,かつ古代琉球の固有信仰も含まれ,琉球王国の政策とも深く関わっている。今日の沖縄社会においても祖先崇拝は深く根づいている。本稿では,沖縄阮氏の祖先崇拝の形成過程とその原因を分析することを通して,祖先崇拝がこの阮氏一族にとって,どのような特殊的な社会意義を持つのかを理解することが出来ることを論じた。}, pages = {25--33}, title = {The Formation of Rituals of Ancestor Worship Among the Ruan Clan in Okinawa and Their Social Implications} }