@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000964, author = {Nakachi, Kiyoshi}, issue = {1}, note = {The Senkaku Islands are located 160 Kilometers north of the Yayeyama Islands, one group of the Ryukyu Islands, a part of Okinawa Prefecture which Japan administers. The ocean surrounding the islands is a rich fishihng place, particularly for bonito. Since the undersea oil fields were discovered near the Senkaku Islands in 1960s, Taiwan and People's Republic of China have claimed the islands as Chinese territory. The islands became then a matter of dispute between China and Japan. This paper examines Japanese views of the territorial issues concerning the islands based on historical evidence, the administration of the U.S. military government, the Okinawa people's view and recent developments., 尖閣諸島は八重山群島の北方160キロメーターの距離に位置する。1960年代に、諸島の周辺の海底で油田が発見されて以来、諸島の領有権を巡って、中国との対立が続いている。論文は、歴史的事実、1945年から1972年までの米軍政府の実行的支配、最近の沖縄側の動きを中心に論じ、日本の領土であると結論した。}, pages = {1--8}, title = {Japan's views of territorial disputes over the Senkaku Islands} }