@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000975, author = {上間, 篤}, issue = {1}, note = {今世紀前半に活躍したスペインの作家たちの中に、ひときわ異才を放つ人物がいる。ピーオ・バロッハ(1872-1956)がその人である。彼は文学を創造するにあたり、地中海文明が幾世紀にも渡って育んできた装飾的な文体を離れ、日常的に用いられる素朴で平易な言葉に真の表現力を求めて作品を書いた。平易な言葉に愛着を示し、その表現力の豊かさを追求し続けた彼の創作態度は、スペイン文学に新たな文学的可能性を示すことになった。本論では、『冒険児サラカイン』に登場するウルビアという地名にスポットをあてて、作者がこの地名に託したと思われる風土性、思想性、歴史性などについて考えてみることにする。, Among many 20th-century Spanish writers who produced most of their principal and major literary works in the first half of the century, there is a unique and outstanding writer named pío Baroja. What makes him unique and different from his contemporary writers in the field of Spanish literature lies in the fact that he, in order to acquire his own style of writing, employed plain, simple and everyday words for the creation of novels, which subsequently drove him to move away from the long-standing decoretive style of writing so much cherished and favored for centuries by the people of the Mediterranean world. The paper presented focuses attention on a stone-walled city called Urbía, appearing in one of Baroja's masterpieces Zalacaín el aventurero or Zalacaín the adventurer to find out what this seemingly walled city could symbolize in the given setting of time and space also what it could, in the historical context, tell and hold within itself as a topographical name.}, pages = {107--115}, title = {ウルビアの地名考} }