@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000993, author = {上間, 篤}, issue = {3}, note = {中世に関する研究は魅力に満ちている。その学問的成果は、中世と現代の接点を様々な視点で示し、両者の係わり方の本質を明らかにしてその豊かな恩恵に浴している現代の真の姿を浮かび上がらせる。けだし現代は、中世の文化遺産を享受している我が身の実像を顧みず、時として事実誤認に基づく優越感を中世に対してひけからす。この種の誤りは中世の封建制度を正しく認識したか否かに多々起因する。ヨーロッパの場合、北と南では封建制度に格段の差異がみられる。本稿では、北と南の差異を踏まえ、同時代にゆるやかな封建制度に彩られたイベリア半島のキリスト教世界とイスラム世界を概観し、そこで展開された知性の創造的営みについて考える。, Studies conducted on various aspects of medievalism show that we owe much to what was once accomplished in medieval times. and yet. unfortunately, we sometimes show our contemptuous and arrogant attitude toward elements deriving from the Middle Ages. This typically depreciative judgement of the outstanding cultural heritages once created by medieval people reflects the influence of an education that has placed excessive emphasis on the medieval mentality which played a decisive role in the creation of a rigid feudal system in northern Europe. Given this view, the paper examines the vital role played by Al-Andalus whose accumulated knowledge and skills of various kinds brought from the Middle East were much sought to revitalize certain regions of Europe that remained inactive in intellectual creative activities in the Middle Ages.}, pages = {27--41}, title = {ロマンセ「アベナーマル」と中世スペイン社会} }