@article{oai:meio-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000994, author = {東江, 平之 and 金城, 亮 and 仲栄真, 美奈子}, issue = {3}, note = {本研究は、Rokeaeh価値尺度を用いて、(1)大学生の価値の序列構造を比較考察し、(2)同尺度の因子構造を明らかにし、(3)同尺度の応用可能性を探ることを目的とする。(1)については、名桜大学生の価値観の比較検討が行われた。目的価値として「幸福」「真の友情」「家族の保護」が上位を占めるなど、人生の目的が小市民化した印象を与えているが、「自由」や「平和な世界」が上位に位置するなど、普遍的価値が重視されている側面もまた判然としている。道具的または手段的価値については、何が重視されているかよりも、何が軽視されているかに、強く訴えかけるものがみられる。特に「論理的な」や「有能な」など重要な適応能力的価値が最下位に位置づけられている事実は、教育文化の問題としても見逃せない。(2)についての本研究の結果は、Rokeach尺度の潜在的構造が、Rokeach自身が構想した理論的構造と一致することを裏付けるものであった。(3)Rokeach尺度は、実施時の教示をいろいろ工夫することにより、多様な応用の可能性があることが示唆された。, The purpose of the present study is three-fold: (1) to determine the ordinal structure of the values of college students, using Rokeach's value scale, (2) to examine the factor structure of Rokeach's value scale, and (3) to explore potential applications of Rokeach's value scale. Two-hundred and ninety-four college students were tested, and the main findings were as follows: (1) Students tended to stress personally relevant, rather than socially relevant, values as terminal values, but at the same time, they valued highly such universal goal values as "freedom" and "a world at peace". The students tended to evaluate positively personality traits such as "loving" and "broad-minded" which are conducive to the realization of personally relevant goal values. The most poignant characteristic of the students' instrumental values, however, was that they regarded competence values such as "logical" and "capable" as least important. (2) Rokeach conceived of his scale as consisting of two parts, terminal and instrumental values, the former having two sub-parts, personal and social values, with the latter also having two sub-parts, moral and competence values. Factor analysis based on our limited sample lends substantial empirical support to his theoretical model, showing that the four independent factors extracted closely correspond to Rokeach's four theoretical sub-parts, and that moral values are negatively correlated with competence values, and also that personal values are negatively correlated with social values. There was no significant positive correlation, as expected by Rokeach, between social values and competence values, nor between personal values and moral values. (3) Rokeach's value scale is a useful and viable tool for both research and diagnostic purposes. It is proposed that the scale be used for a wider range of purposes by treating the instructions under which the scale is administered as the independent variable to be manipulated in a study.}, pages = {43--55}, title = {現代青年の価値の比較研究-Rokeach の価値尺度の分析と応用-} }